We have made it back from our boat tour down the river safe and sound! Last time I left you we were in a bit of a rush to meet up with our jungle guide, to take us down the river for three days. The boat was nothing special, but amazing! To get to the boat we had to take a smaller boat across the Rio Negro, then a van across flood plains to another river. Here we met up with Manwell, the capitan of our boat. We then continued three days down the river. It was much narrower than the Rio Negro, making it much easier to see the wild life. Arowana jumping out of the water left and right, Hoatzin in flocks in the trees everywhere! (For those of you who have never heard of a Hoatzin, it is a prehistoric looking bird that sounds more like a large lizard, with claw like fingers on the end of its wings. Deffinatly check them out.) Went on a jungle treck, led by a local guide, where we saw all kinds of plants and kritters. Learned about some of the medicinal plants that can be found, most of which are cut down and used by companies such as Vics, and Chanel #5. At night we went searching for Kamen, which Rob couldn't help but grab and play with. The Trip was amazing and more photos will come soon!
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